Volume 5, Issue 1 (2024)                   J Clinic Care Skill 2024, 5(1): 1-4 | Back to browse issues page
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Ganjali H, Attaran H, Hedjazi A, Chavoshi H. Lethal Intracranial Injury as a Complication of Septorhinoplasty; A Case Report. J Clinic Care Skill 2024; 5 (1) :1-4
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1- Legal Medicine Research Center, Tehran, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Legal Medicine Organization, Sanabad Street, Pole-Khaki Crossroad, Mashhad, Iran. Postal Code: 9138615916 (
Abstract   (964 Views)
Aims: Nasal septoplasty is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures with several common and uncommon complications. Although rare, intracranial adverse events of septorhinoplasty are life-threatening, and there are few case reports of fatal intracranial complications.
Patient & Methods: A healthy 47-year-old woman underwent septorhinoplasty, then had a decreased level of consciousness and finally died due to subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage caused by a bone fragment isolated from the fractured sphenoid sinus.
Findings: The complication was attributed to the surgeon's carelessness, and he was considered liable for patient death due to medical negligence.
Conclusion: Surgeon experience in septoplasty surgery is essential, and meticulous attention to anatomical landmarks is paramount to prevent a serious outcome that may lead to patient death and surgeon conviction.

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