Volume 5, Issue 1 (2024)                   J Clinic Care Skill 2024, 5(1): 19-24 | Back to browse issues page
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Naderifar H, Ghanbari L, Najafi-Vosough R. Effect of an Exercise Program on Glenohumeral Rotator Cuff Muscles Strength in Overhead Athletes with Scapular Dyskinesis. J Clinic Care Skill 2024; 5 (1) :19-24
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1- Hearing Disorders Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2- Department of Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercises, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran
3- Research Center for Health Sciences, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Astara-Ardabil Ring Road, Islamic Azad University of Astara, Astara, Iran. Postal Code: 4369243911 (
Abstract   (843 Views)
Aims: Scapula dyskinesis and reduced strength of the glenohumeral external rotator muscles are shoulder risk factors. The shoulder joint's unstabilizing mechanisms can cause a decrease in the strength of the external rotator muscles, an imbalance of the rotator cuff muscles, and scapula dyskinesis. This study aimed to investigate the effect of an exercise program on scapula dyskinesis and the strength of glenohumeral rotator cuff muscles in overhead athletes.
Materials & Methods: The present quasi-experimental study with a control group and pre- and post-test plan was conducted on 62 female handball players (club-level, 18-25 years old) with scapula dyskinesis from 2021 to 2022 in Hamadan City, Iran. The lateral scapular slide test and hand dynamometers were used to measure scapula dyskinesis and the strength of glenohumeral rotator cuff muscles, respectively. The participants in the intervention group participated in eight weeks of three sessions of an exercise program. Data were measured before and after the intervention and were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test.
Findings: According to this test, there is a significant difference between the strength of external rotator muscles (p<0.001) in the intervention and control groups after exercises, so the strength of external rotator muscles and the strength of external/internal rotator muscles ratio (p<0.001) has increased after exercises. Also, scapula dyskinesis after exercises has decreased significantly (p=0.013).
Conclusion: The exercise program increases the strength of external rotator muscles and the ratio of external/internal rotator muscles and improves scapula dyskinesis in overhead athletes.

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