Volume 1, Issue 2 (2020)                   J Clinic Care Skill 2020, 1(2): 63-69 | Back to browse issues page
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Roozitalab M, Hosseini N, Vossoughi M, Zoladl M. Effect of Intervention Based on 5A Self-Management Model on the Fatigue Severity of Patients with Cancer under Chemotherapy; A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Clinic Care Skill 2020; 1 (2) :63-69
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1- Student Research Committee, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
2- Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
3- Oral and Dental Diseases Research Center” and “Dental Public Health Department, Dentistry Faculty”, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Jalil Street, Yasuj, Iran. Postal Code: 7591994799 (
Abstract   (3502 Views)
Aims: One of the side effects of chemotherapy is fatigue. This study was carried out with the aim of determining the effect of intervention based on 5A self-management model on the fatigue severity of patients with cancer under chemotherapy.
Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial conducted in 2016, 48 patients with cancer under chemotherapy, who were referred to Chemotherapy Center of Shahid Motahari Clinic of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, were selected, using purposive sampling method, and then, divided to experimental and control group with the equal number, using block random allocation. While control group received routine treatment and care related to chemotherapy, 5A self-management model was applied for experimental group. The data gathering tool consists of a demographic questionnaire and Multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI). The data were analyzed by SPSS 21 software.
Findings: Immediately after research intervention, the fatigue severity in the intervention group(43.4±6.9) was less than this amount in the control group (46.8±12.9), but 3 months later, the fatigue severity in the control group (34.7±10.1) was more less than this amount in the intervention group (41.9±4.8; p<0.05). In the intervention group, the fatigue intensity immediately and 3 months after the end of the research intervention was significantly lower than the starting point of the study. In the control group, the fatigue severity decreased significantly 3 months after the end of the intervention, compared to starting point of the study and immediately after the intervention.
Conclusion: 5A self-management model decreases fatigue severity of patients with cancer under chemotherapy in the intervention group.

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