Volume 2, Issue 1 (2021)                   J Clinic Care Skill 2021, 2(1): 41-43 | Back to browse issues page
Article Type:
Case/Series Report |



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Daneshyar Z, Shokripour M. Fibroepithelial Stromal Polyp as Low Back Lesion in 88-year-old Man: a Case Report. J Clinic Care Skill 2021; 2 (1) :41-43
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1- Clinical Research Development Unit, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran
2- Department of Pathology, Medical School, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: (
Abstract   (2247 Views)
Introduction: Fibroepithelial stromal polyp (FESP) of the female lower genital tract is a rare benign lesion characterized by polypoid proliferation of stroma, covered by a benign squamous epithelium in the vulvovaginal region. These hormone-sensitive lesions usually occur in young to middle-aged women. The lesions are typically no larger than 5 cm in diameter and are found randomly during routine gynecologic examinations.
Patient Information: The case of this study was an 88-year-old man with a solitary polypoid lesion measuring 3×2×2 in the low back area showing the histological appearances of those described in the vulvovaginal region.
It was a well-circumscribed gray-brown lesion covered by wrinkled skin. Histopathological examination revealed edematous hypocellular lesion at low magnification with hyperplastic squamous epithelium coating with reactive epithelial change. At high magnification, the lesion consisted of bland-appearing spindle and stellate-shaped cells in an edematous and fibrous stroma with a large number of variably-sized blood vessels. Immunohistochemistry showed the lesional cells to be focally immunoreactive for EMA and negative for CD34, SMA in stromal cells.
Conclusion: FESPs is an uncommon benign lesion that can occur in men and areas other than the genitals with independence from female sex hormones. Although this is a benign finding, reporting it will increase the knowledge about this rare tumor.


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