Volume 5, Issue 3 (2024)                   J Clinic Care Skill 2024, 5(3): 1001-1021 | Back to browse issues page


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How to cite this article
Froozanfard F, gilasi H, maboodi M, Taghavi S A. Relationship of some factors with the chemical pregnancy and clinical pregnancy rate after IUI treatment: A cross- sectional Study. J Clinic Care Skill 2024; 5 (3) :1001-1021
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1- Kashan university of medical sciences
2- kashan university of medical sciences
3- gynecologic and obstetrics department, Yasuj university of medical sciences ,
Abstract   (92 Views)
Among infertility treatments, IUI with or without ovulation stimulation is the first line of infertility treatments. We decided to measure the relationship of some factors on the laboratory and clinical pregnancy rate after IUI treatment in a 5-year period.
Material and method:
In this cross-sectional study, the files of patients referred to the infertility center of Kashan, iran, with a definite diagnosis of infertility who were treated with IUI were reviewed. The rate of biochemical pregnancy and clinical pregnancy and some related factors were the main outcomes. The data analyzed by X2 and independent t test, a p-value of 0.05 or lower was set as the threshold for statistical significance.
334 patients with infertility were examined. The mean age of people who had a positive biochemical (P<0.006) and clinical pregnancy (P<0.008) is significantly lower than who had not pregnant. A significant relationship between endometrial thickness and biochemical (P<0.002) and clinical pregnancy rate (P<0.007) was seen; however, no significant relationship was observed among other study variables with biochemical and clinical pregnancy rates.
With increasing age of a woman, the rate of biochemical and clinical pregnancy decreases. So that the increase in the thickness of the endometrium increases the biochemical and clinical pregnancy rate. It is suggested that midwives and reproductive health counselors explain the prognosis of IUI treatment to patients according to the age and thickness of the endometrium.